Monday, June 12, 2006

Win at work using Sports Pshycology

Description: To practice visualization, athletes use pictures in favor of words to see what success looks like. According to Robert Troutwine, Ph.D., who is a consultant for a number of NFL teams, you should picture doing something over and over again, but make sure the image you have is of you doing it correctly.

Applying it to work: You can help yourself by picturing the flow of a presentation (before you give it) or imagining a meeting with a client. Don't focus so much on the words you'll use; instead, try to think about the big picture. If you find yourself slipping up at a key step, it's probably something you need to work on. If the visualization goes smoothly, do it again and again, so that when it counts, it'll feel like second nature.

Monitoring your self-talk
Description: Athletes talk to themselves as a way to focus and keep their confidence under pressure. Utah Jazz fans have seen Karl Malone talk to himself at the free throw line. What's he saying? He's reminding himself why he's there and why he needs to succeed -- for his wife and his family.

Applying it to work: You can do this too. You don't have to literally talk to yourself -- just listen to the voice in your head. If it sounds negative, back away and focus before you continue. That voice inside you is the best tool you have to tap into your psyche, so you need to listen to it.

Description: Getting proper rest is the key. But it also means taking timeouts during your day to rise above the stress. Athletes use everything from video games and music to quiet time alone. Of course, if you happen to play for Phil Jackson, you'll find yourself attending pregame meditation sessions.

Applying it to work: You might not always have time at work to relax, but at some point during your day, you need to make some time for yourself. Try yoga at the gym or pick up a hobby. If that's too much, take a walk at lunch. Anything you can do to take the pressure off will help you when it counts.

Description: Concentration is mostly a matter of controlling your mind and telling it to block out distractions. For athletes, this often means practice above all else. But what to practice? In Al Leiter's case, game situations could take up too much of his attention. Instead, the pitcher tried to concentrate on each pitch, and nothing more.

Applying it to work: Okay, so you don't practice work, but there are ways to get better. If you receive a new software program, play with it until you master it and you'll be a whiz at crunch time. Take a page from the pros and practice the essence of what you do at work. If you're a lawyer and your job is all about relating to a jury, you need to practice and concentrate on your public-speaking skills.

Mental routine
Description: Routines help you get into a zone. Anything that can help you focus will work. Athletes often try deep breathing, rumination or meditation. Anyone who's ever watched Nomar Garciaparra bat knows the importance of a routine. Graciaparra adjusts his batting gloves before every pitch. Yes, it's a little strange, but it also triggers his mind and tells him, "time to hit."

Applying it to work: For you, it could be as simple as that cup of coffee in the morning -- or maybe there's something else that just gets you going. Work that mental routine into your day. If you think better with a pencil behind your ear, make sure there are pencils on hand.

Letting go of mistakes
Description: You can learn from your mistakes, but once you get the lesson, let it go, or you'll dwell on it. According to Ken Ravizza, who has been a consultant for the Angels, pitchers need to learn this lesson the most. After a pitcher makes a bad pitch, he's very likely to do it again if he can't put the mistake behind him.

Applying it to work: Maybe you blew a big assignment. It happens. Own it and forget about it. It's sounds simple, but it can be tough to forgive yourself. Remember that what is in the past is beyond your control. In other words, you can't do anything about it, so stop worrying.

Setting goals
Description: Goals come in three varieties: performance, outcome and doing your best. In other words, you can set personal goals, goals for winning or goals that simply ask you to give 100%. Coach Pat Flannery of the Bucknell men's basketball team set a goal for his players: Have fun in the game. That goal came from the advice of a sports psychologist, and it helped them get to the NCAA tournament.

Applying it to work: Goals help you stay motivated. You should have a goal for everything, from a project due next week to a promotion a year down the road. There's only one catch when it comes to setting a goal: It needs to be attainable.

put your game face on

There's probably more of a connection between sports and work than you think. Many pro athletes make big money after they retire by lecturing corporate types on things like teamwork, discipline and leadership. Yes, sports are still a blast to watch, but we can learn a lot from competition at a high level.


Business Cliches - Au Revoir!

You've just been dismissed from a crucial business meeting in which your supervisor emphasized the importance of being "a good soldier" and "taking one for the team" before the "bottom falls out" and you find yourself in a "mission critical" stage. Got it? How could you? Understanding directives like that would require a decoder ring. Abandon business buzzwords and become a man of action with our helpful hints.

1- "There's no 'I' in team"
Setting: You're packing your bags to make an early exit when suddenly a last-minute deadline rears its ugly head.

What to do: Stay behind and help your coworkers in their tasks. They'll appreciate your dedication and sense of teamwork, and will eventually return the favor.

2- "Be on the ball"
Setting: Your supervisor has just reamed you out for distributing a press release riddled with glaring typos.

What to do: Your own personal sloppiness can reflect upon the entire company, so take the extra time necessary to double- and triple-check your work. If possible, try to do it in two sessions so you can approach it with a fresh set of eyes. You might also want to call in a colleague to help -- they might be able to catch errors you didn't see.

3- "Be proactive"
Setting: It's 3:30 on a Friday afternoon and you've been caught playing solitaire after finishing all of your tasks for the week.

What to do: Rather than twiddling your thumbs, use your time productively. Arrange a brainstorming session with some of your colleagues or take the time to do competitive analysis. Show your assertive attitude and use this bonus stress-free time to help advance your career.

4- "Think outside the box"
Setting: You've been asked to gather for a brainstorming session to come up with a dazzling new way of marketing your company's latest product.

What to do: Avoid traditional brainstorming dead ends by expanding your perspective. Meetings like these are a perfect opportunity to look at old problems from a new angle through techniques like free association, word games and simply listening to others. Come in with a spirit of openness and support the ideas of others in an encouraging, non-critical way.

5- "Be part of the solution, and not the problem"
Setting: You and your colleagues are standing around openly criticizing your company's new advertising campaign.

What to do: Instead of criticizing, offer solutions. Think of how the situation could be improved and come up with alternate strategies. Then, discuss potential new strategies with your colleagues and weigh the pros and the cons of your ideas. Once your plans have been refined, put them down on paper and take them to management. They might not entirely agree with your solution, but they'll certainly appreciate your commitment and desire to help the company grow.

6- "Burn the midnight oil"
Setting: You've been asked to put in some overtime to help push a product through its final stages.

What to do: Be a good sport and pitch in. Companies appreciate employees who are willing to go the extra mile to ensure a quality product. Come in earlier if you prefer morning hours or stay late if you're a night owl. Just beware of companies that demand extra effort without extra benefits. Your availability should be rewarded.

7- "It's crunch time"
Setting: It's mere days before your next product launch and numerous nagging details still need to be hammered down.

What to do: Do your best to contribute by completing all of your tasks. If your tasks are finished, help your colleagues with their assignments as well. At times like these, it's crucial that everyone pitches in regardless of position or rank. It's also crucial that you try to remain stress free as deadlines get closer and closer. Try to relax by practicing simple breathing exercises, address problems one at a time, and if possible, maintain a regular exercise regime outside of work.

8- "Mission critical"
Setting: Your supervisor calls you in to remind you of the importance of one of your tasks.

What to do: Duly note his concern and discuss guidelines and expectations. Once you're certain you have the resources you need, work on prioritizing your schedule to give the task the proper attention it deserves.

9- "Top level"
Setting: Your company has gotten into a jam because you've failed to look at the big picture.

What to do: Over time, it's only natural to get bogged down in day-to-day operations. However, no company has ever achieved mass success without keeping an eye on the market and its mission statement. Help your company make a splash by taking a little time every day to distance yourself from nitty-gritty details so you can focus on your end goal.

10- "Stop sticking to the sidelines"
Setting: Your younger, more assertive colleagues are snatching up bonus assignments while you sit idly by.

What to do: Get in the game! Becoming active is the only way to ensure you won't be left in the dust when the next round of promotions are handed out. By entering the fray, you may risk failure, but by sitting on your hands, you guarantee you'll be fired.

11- "Put your game face on"
Setting: Your supervisor admonishes you for your lackadaisical approach after catching you daydreaming.

What to do: Become more focused during your working hours. Make sure your body and mind are both on company time by ensuring you're actively engaged in the work you've been assigned. Above all else, don't let boredom and a lack of initiative affect your work.


Clichés are as much a part of office culture as water coolers and supply closets. They're bandied about in meetings and memos, and casually slipped into all forms of conversation. They're also exceptionally empty. Like it or not, talk is cheap and clichés are the most worthless form of currency available. Help advance your career today by saying au revoir to clichés and adopting a life of action instead.
