Saturday, August 13, 2005

No one needs to tell you that in business, power is everything. It's your primary weapon in the ruthless world of negotiations, relations and money. It's what separates a good businessman from a great one.

Those who have power don't acquire it by osmosis. Meticulous effort is required to project an image of professional poise and status. Lose that image, and few will take you seriously. Do you think that presidents or CEOs goof around? Never -- because they know that much of their country's or company's reputation depends on their personal image.

You've read before about how to create an air of power. Here are some more tips to show them that you're a man to be reckoned with.

1- Be invaluable
When you make yourself indispensable, you have an edge over others. Hell, you even have an edge over your superiors; they can't afford to lose you, so you have more ammo when bargaining time comes around. Indispensability could take the form of a skill or merely a piece of information. When you're rare, you're more respected.

2- Don't be a yes-man
You only have to gain the good graces of your superiors, no one else. Try too hard to please others by laughing at their bad jokes, smiling at every remark and agreeing with every insipid observation, and you'll come off as desperate for affirmation or a raise. You don't have to play nice. Laugh only if it's funny, and others will be smiling at you.

3- Be friendly with a select few
You may be the most sociable Mac in the building, and that's great. But if you want to go far, remember that buddies don't become bosses. If you're everyone's pal, people will think you're easy to reach and therefore not powerful. Choose a couple of people at the office to befriend, and treat the others as acquaintances. That doesn't mean you should be rude, though.

4- Smile when others disrespect you
If someone tries to destructively criticize you, brush it off. Shout back and you'll show that he won and, even worse, that you are easily ruffled. If you must retort, do so calmly. It'll catch them by surprise and they may even backpedal. Take your time. Nothing warrants turning into the Hulk.

5- Be sporadic in your comments
"Say less than thou knowest," was the Fool's advice to Shakespeare's King Lear, and there's a reason that line was immortalized. Those who speak only when they have something important to say are usually held in high regard, while those who prattle on are merely tolerated, if not avoided. The trick is to listen more often than you speak. When you do speak, reserve it to say something brilliant.

Keep an open mind and a shut mouth

6- Think more often than you talk
Do you ever cringe at people who simply can't wait for you to finish your sentence before they chime in? Learn from them, and keep your mouth shut until others finish talking. There are three benefits to this. First, you'll be seen as a good listener, which is a rare quality these days. Second, you'll know what's on the mind of those around you, which you can use to your advantage. Third, others won't have a clue about what you're thinking. Uncertainty most often strikes fear and deference in others.

7- Speak with authority
Bill Gates can get away with a squeaky voice because he has a $40 billion price tag. You don't, so your bellows should remind people of the Voice of Doom crossed with that of a charismatic dictator. Speak clearly and with conviction. Form complete sentences, don't pepper your words with "like" and "um," and never talk about anything with a desperate or nervous tone.

8- Don't kid around
No one likes an uptight grump, but there are times to be casual and times to be serious. They're not always black and white, so sharpen your tone instincts. When you kid at the workplace, others won't take you as seriously. Learn how to separate casual conversations from somber ones, what is appropriate to say in each and in what manner to say it.

9- Look like a professional
It's important to look good, but dress with your brain. If your office dress code is business casual, showing up in three-piece complete with cufflinks will look absurd. Instead, figure out what the de facto dress code is and take it up a notch. Dress as formally as you can, but go so far as to wear a bowtie and you can consider yourself a walking joke.

Your threads, however, are only part of the equation. You must also look professional in your mannerisms. Don't adjust your clothes or your hair, don't twiddle your fingers and fiddle with your ring or pen. All these habits indicate nervousness. Be composed and watch your posture.

10- Don't boast
Speak with your actions more than with your words. You'll be noticed if you work hard, so let the quality of your fruits speak for itself. Others will probably give you the props you deserve. If they don't, just make your hard work more visible to them. But maintain some subtlety, and don't try to do so by consistently complaining about how swamped you are.

11- Be a good public speaker
If you'd rather be dead than give an impromptu speech, you have no place in management. Rhetoric skills are expected of any leader to day. Join your local Toastmasters club and overcome your fears of public speaking. Learn to move people with your words, and the world will be yours.

the smell of power

Yes, power can be taken in like a subtle fragrance. People know it when you walk by and when you interact with them. And it makes them defer to you. Don't just wait for power to slowly saunter your way. Grab it by the horns and wear it proudly.

n the quest for power, looking the part is half the battle. In fact, every head of state has an image consultant that tells him how to dress, walk, talk, and behave in public. They are meticulously trained on how to cultivate that certain air of power and importance. It's a tried and true formula, which I give you, right here.

crafting an image

For better or worse, we often judge a person based on their appearance. Therefore, if you carefully craft your appearance to project an air of power, few will question whether or not you have it. Unless, of course, you disobey the following principles.

1- Play hard to get
A powerful man is never easily accessible. People must always go through his assistants to reach him. Therefore, always have someone else, such as a secretary, screen your calls. You can even screen calls yourself with an answering machine. In fact, never answer the phone. Always take messages.

2- Hire an assistant
A powerful man always has an assistant who takes care of his day-to-day tasks (scheduling, callbacks, mail, ticket and restaurant reservations, memo writing, etc.). An assistant gives you more time to deal with important business matters, and also catches the flak from complainers, so you don't have to.

3- Have a busy schedule
A powerful man is never idle. He has important matters to attend to, and influential people to see. He can't meet with everyone who wants to see him.

Think of yourself as a classy restaurant or a popular nightclub. Getting in such places is supposed to be difficult. Create artificial line-ups and make people wait.

4- Attend important events
Power involves being present at important functions. These include tradeshows, conferences, dinners, and seminars. Such events are good places to network with other leading men and to make your own status known. For more of an effect, occasionally send your assistant to fill in for you and network on your behalf. Make sure they're trustworthy.

5- Associate with powerful people
Who you know says a lot about who you are, and powerful men know other powerful men. Getting to know as many CEOs, politicians, celebrities, and media people as possible, if even at a local level. These are people who can do things for your career that ordinary folks can't.

6- Be selective in your projects
A powerful man has a keen eye for good ideas. He's picky about which projects deserve of his attention. Don't accept or be a part of every new idea thrown your way. Show extreme precaution in your endeavors.

7- Have a nice office
Your place of work must be fitting for a man of power. Have a classy desk (polished wood is ideal), leather chairs, a modern lamp, and the latest accessories. Hang your diplomas and any pictures you've taken with other powerful people. Keep the artwork discreet and tasteful.

8- Wear fashionable clothes
You are what you wear. Suit yourself up with the most formal and expensive business attire you can afford. Wear the perfect tie with the right shirt and polished shoes.

And remember that good posture always makes the garb look more impressive.

9- Drive a nice car
There's a reason cars are status symbols. They are the mobile shells of your personality, and therefore should be good enough to transport a man of your stature. For the truly daring, have a chauffeur, always on standby, drive you around in a town car.

10- Master your tongue
There's a reason most windbags don't become powerful. Their constant prattle makes them highly undesirable. By talking too much, they risk revealing things they shouldn't. The more concise your speech, the smarter and more enigmatic you'll seem.

Also, be selective about whom you talk to. Just don't cross that fine line between confidence and arrogance.

11- Don't do the dirty work
In every business, government and organization, there will inevitably be some dirty work involved. Make sure you don't get stuck doing it. By keeping your hands clean, you'll seem the height of civility.

12- Be bold in your actions
Uncertainty is one of the greatest deterrents to power. Hesitation and insecurity not only dull your actions, they're highly visible. Every decision, every word and every action you execute must be done without doubt. Believe in yourself, and others will too.

13- Keep your cool
A powerful man is the master of his emotions. He remains calm in stressful situations and doesn't let others upset him. Take nothing personally.

Anger shows weakness of the ego, and essentially tells the assailant that he won. Let nothing bother you (at last externally), and you'll seem invincible.

14- Be unpredictable
The routine is boring. Following a pattern without fail shows an unwillingness to be daring. You should strive to be variable. Reinvent yourself every once in a while, or follow an action that people would not expect of you (make sure it's a good action). Being unpredictable keeps people in suspense -- they never know what's coming. Be a prototype, not a stereotype.

15- Don't sweat it
Magicians are so fascinating because we don't see how they perform their tricks. The same applies in your life. Your achievements should appear natural, as if you didn't break a sweat to do them. Magnify your talents and seem almost superhuman by effacing your toils from work.

positive response

Once you apply the principles above, you'll notice a positive change in people's reaction toward you. They'll look at you and talk to you differently. Power is like currency; if people say it's valuable, then it is.

A warning: like everything else, power is a game of balance. You must be careful not to seem arrogant and presumptuous. Be friendly and easygoing. It shows maturity and self-assurance.